M1 Legal begins 2023 with 21 January award wins
2023 off to a powerful start for leading firm of timeshare lawyers M1 Legal
Winning the war
Timeshare companies are currently being financially penalised by courts for over two decades of lawless behaviour.
Many resorts gave up and ceased operating in the face of the significant amounts of money awarded against them. Some companies continue doggedly trading, but are spending less resources in making (ultimately doomed) attempts to defend compensation claims. Others have been fighting, and consistently losing, a war of attrition through the courts with companies like M1 Legal.
Club La Costa is an example of a company firmly in the latter camp. A strategy that was relatively effective in the days when owners tried to handle the process themselves.
Legal professionals like M1 lawyers now manage claims on behalf of clients and they always stay the course, patiently overcoming every obstacle that timeshare companies employ to avoid honouring their legal obligations.
One example of “obstacles” is Club La Costa using multiple entities to issue membership contracts, rendering the financial relationships more opaque, thereby attempting to make it more difficult for their victims to claim against them.
“M1 Legal is leading the fight to unravel the financial webs of these companies,” confirms Fernando Sansegundo, head of M1 Legal.
Explosive start to 2023
Despite January traditionally being a quiet month for court action, M1 Legal have already secured twenty one financial compensation awards for their timeshare clients.
One jubilant couple from Margate in Kent were awarded the life altering amount of £69,707 from Canary Island timeshare leviathan, Anfi Del Mar. A welcome sum, especially after the expenses of the Christmas season.
The January compensation successes totalled £282,899. The top three resorts in terms of award winnings were:
- Anfi, with three victories totalling £94,878
- Club La Costa had twelve award judgements against them adding up to £178,110
- Two cases were won against Diamond Resorts Europe. They were worth £22,803
Retaining M1 Legal
“Because of the large volume of illegally sold timeshare owners seeking redress, M1 Legal works together with expert claims firm European Consumer Claims (ECC),” says Sansegundo. “ECC filter out the strongest claims for M1 Legal to manage. This helps us maintain our 98.6% court success rate with timeshare cases.”
For a free, no obligation consultation of your potential timeshare claim, get in touch with the assessment team at ECC.
Related links
- Feet in the desert. Timeshare industry giants disappearing into history
- If only all timeshare companies were as honourable as market leader Marriott…
- December 2022 rounds off M1 Legal’s most successful year to date
- https://www.mynewsdesk.com/uk/european-consumer-claims/pressreleases/shameful-club-la-costa-exposed-over-repugnant-covid-profits-3159087
- Update for Club La Costa timeshare claimants from official administrators, FRP
- M1 Legal continues to smash timeshare compensation records
- ECC contact page
- European Consumer Claims
- Compensation claim stampede following Anfi resorts bankruptcy shock
- 2022: Shaping up to be M1 Legal’s most successful year ever
- Do you qualify for timeshare compensation? A quick guide:
- M1 Legal
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First published on MyNewsDesk February 2023